Yeah, I know. It's an awful lot of junk. But I really
like ham radio & shortwave listening... also AM radio late at night.
There's all kinds of things in that photo. Here is what you see:
All this gear is in aid of listening, and occassionally talking, on the radio. I also send and receive images world wide; that's what the SSTV gear does. The farthest I ever received an image from is the antarctic base at the southern pole of the world.
My ham radio callsign is AA7AS. I have the highest class ham radio license you can obtain, the "extra-class" license. This license class implies a fairly high technical skill level & the ability to send & receive morse code at a pretty good rate of speed, about 20 5-character words per minute (a singularly useless skill, and one I encouraged to atrophy as soon as I passed the test...)
I've done a number of interesting things in my pursuit of the hobby. I invented a new Slow Scan Television more called the "AVT" mode, which offers strong immunity to noise and the ability recover the image even with severe interference through creative use of multiple synchronized training start codes, interlaced fields and interpolation. I've designed several commercial products for the HAM operators, some of which were sold by major manufacturers for the market, such as AEA corporation.
Right now I don't have much of an antenna system, so I really can't do much but listen a little bit. Transmitting would annoy my neighbors, which I will not chance. So you won't catch me on the air, other than VHF, locally.
If you're not a HAM now, but you find you're becoming interested, hop on over to Yahoo and search on ham radio, or amatuer radio. There are thousands of neat WEB sites out there!