Here are three representative signs from my tin sign collection.
The sign at the left is an ad for stockings, so it's no big surprise that the
subject is... stockings. The little angel is a little cute for my taste (give me a sophisticated, very female lady any day over a "cute" one).
The top sign at the right is an ad for Goodyear stick-on soles for shoes... for traction. The figure is wearing stockings, something the artist made abundantly clear by painting in seams and stocking-tops. I don't know how many stick-on soles they sold, but I bet the ad got its share of attention! This figure is much more to my taste - I wouldn't pick a fight with her for wearing stick-on soles.
The last sign is an ad for Nehi soda (pop, to you midwesterners...), and is a visual pun - knee-high / Nehi - not all that clever perhaps, but dear to my heart in any case for the subject matter. Again you see the seams, and this time you can also see the heels, typically built for stockings of this time period.
If you have a Nehi bottle just like the one in the sign, I'd be interested in buying it from you...
Also, I have learned that there is a Nehi "bottle opener" in the
shape of a woman's leg; I'm in the market for that, too. If you
know of either of these, just e-mail me!