1231-1808: |  |  |  | Papal Inquisition from before birth until after line end |
1478-1834: | |
1689-1702: |  |  |  | Reign of King William III and Queen Mary II (Stuart) from before birth until age 6 |
1700-1721: |  |  |  | Great Northern War from age 4 to age 25 |
1701-1713: |  |  |  | War of Spanish Succession from age 5 to age 17 |
1701: |  |  |  | Captain William Kidd hung for piracy at age 5 |
1702-1714: |  |  |  | Reign of Queen Anne (Stuart) from age 6 to age 18 |
1707: |  |  |  | Mount Fujiyama erupts at age 11 |
1712: |  |  |  | Last execution for witchcraft in England at age 16 |
1712: |  |  |  | Slave revolts in New York at age 16 |
1714-1727: |  |  |  | Reign of King George I (Hanover) from age 18 to age 31 |
1714: |  |  |  | Farenheit invents mercury thermometer at age 18 |
1714: |  |  |  | Witch trials abolished in Prussia at age 18 |
1716: |  |  |  | Christian teaching forbidden in China at age 20 |
1718: |  |  |  | New Orleans founded at age 22 |
1718: |  |  |  | Spain seizes Sicily (from Savoy) at age 22 |
1718: |  |  |  | Peter the Great has son and heir murdered at age 22 |
1721: |  |  |  | Rifles brought to America by the Swiss at age 25 |
1722: |  |  |  | Samoa and Easter island discovered by Dutch at age 26 |
1727: |  |  |  | Quakers demand abolition of slavery at age 31 |
1727-1760: |  |  |  | Reign of King George II (Hanover) from age 31 until after line end |
1729: |  |  |  | Opium smoking prohibited in China at age 33 |
1733-1735: |  |  |  | War of Polish Succession from age 37 to age 39 |
1736: |  |  |  | English statutes against witchcraft repealed at age 40 |
1740-1748: |  |  |  | Austrian war of the succession from age 44 until after line end |
1741: |  |  |  | Slave revolt in New York, 2nd uprising at age 45 |
1742: |  |  |  | Celsius invents Centigrade thermometer at age 46 |