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Personal Details
February 16th, 1805
Portland, ME, USA
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[242_sa] Stephen Winslow 6
[242] Rebecca (Blish) Winslow 6
Spouses, Mates & Children
none known
Immediate Family Tree
Gen. 7
Gen. 6
Gen. 5
Gen. 4
Gen. 3
George Washington Winslow Stephen Winslow William Winslow No Entry No Entry No Entry No Entry No Entry No Entry ? (?) Winslow No Entry No Entry No Entry No Entry No Entry No Entry Rebecca (Blish) Winslow Stacey "grey eagle" Blish John Blish Reuben Blish Elizabeth (?) Bodfish Mary (Goodspeed) Blish Ebeneer Goodspeed, Jr. ? (?) Goodspeed Mary (Barker or "Baxter"?) Blish ? Barker or "Baxter"? No Entry No Entry Mary (Stacy) Barker or "Baxter"? ? Stacey ? (?) Stacey
Personalized History Timeline, 1805 to 1905
1231-1808: Papal Inquisition from before birth until age 3
1478-1834: Torquemada's Spanish Inquisition from before birth until age 29
1760-1820: Reign of King George III (Hanover) from before birth until age 15
1792-1815: Napoleonic war from before birth until age 10
1800-1809: Thomas Jefferson elected president of US from before birth until age 4
1804-1806: Lewis and Clark Expedition from before birth until age 1
1805: Morphine isolated at age 0
1805: Thomas Jefferson re-elected president of US at age 0
1807: Robert Fulton makes 1st practical steamboat voyage at age 2
1808: Import of new slaves into US Is banned at age 3
1808: Pompeii excavation begins in earnest at age 3
1809: Charles Darwin born at age 4
1809-1816: James Madison elected president of US from age 4 to age 11
1810: Homeopathy founded at age 5
1810: US pop. reaches 7.2 million at age 5
1812: Missouri organized as a territory at age 7
1812: Louisiana enters the union - 18th at age 7
1812-1814: War of 1812 from age 7 to age 9
1815: French outlaw slavery in France at age 10
1815: Battle of Waterloo at age 10
1815: Sumbawa volcano (Indonesia) erupts; 50,000 killed at age 10
1816: Photographic Negative at age 11
1816: Indiana enters the union - 19th at age 11
1816: Stethoscope at age 11
1817-1823: 1st Cholera pandemic from age 12 to age 18
1817-1824: James Monroe president of US from age 12 to age 19
1817: Mississippi enters the union - 20th at age 12
1817: Alabama organized as a territory at age 12
1817-1825: Erie canal constructed from age 12 to age 20
1817: Pentrich Revolution - England's last revolution at age 12
1818: Savannah 1st steamship to cross the Atlantic at age 13
1818: Illinois enters the union - 21st at age 13
1819: Arkansas organized as a territory at age 14
1819: Oersted discovers electro-magnetism at age 14
1819: Alabama enters the union - 22nd at age 14
1820-1830: Reign of King George IV (Hanover) from age 15 to age 25
1820: Maine enters the union - 23rd at age 15
1821-1829: Greek war of Independence from age 16 to age 24
1821: US pop. reaches 9.2 million at age 16
1821: 1st US women's college at age 16
1821: Missouri enters the union - 24th at age 16
1822: Florida organized as a territory at age 17
1824-1828: John Quincy Adams president of US from age 19 to age 23
1824: Erie canal finished at age 19
1824: Internal Combustion Engine at age 19
1826: 1st railroad tunnel (England) at age 21
1827: 1st Black newspaper Freedom's Journal at age 22
1827: Ohms Law formulated at age 22
1827: Ship's propeller (screw) at age 22
1828: 1st railroad in the US at age 23
1828-1836: Andrew Jackson president of US from age 23 to age 31
1828: 1st Webster's Dictionary at age 23
1829-1851: 2nd Cholera pandemic from age 24 to age 46
1829: 1st US patent on a typewriter at age 24
1830: Mormons (Latter Day Saints) founded at age 25
1830-1860: Underground railroad leads 100,000+ slaves to freedom in US from age 25 to age 55
1830-1837: Reign of King William IV (Hanover) from age 25 to age 32
1832: Horse-drawn trolleys in New York at age 27
1833: Slavery abolished in British Empire (home and colonies) at age 28
1833: Telegraph at age 28
1834: Modern computer conceived by Charles Babbage at age 29
1835: Halley's Comet at age 30
1835: Mormon leader Joseph Smith prophesies of 'coming of lord' by 1891 at age 30
1835-1842: 2nd Seminole War from age 30 to age 37
1836: Battle of the Alamo at age 31
1836: Texas war for independence from Mexico at age 31
1836: Arkansas enters the union -25th at age 31
1837-1901: Reign of Queen Victoria (Hanover) from age 32 to age 96
1837: Michigan enters the union - 26th at age 32
1837-1840: Martin Van Buren president of US from age 32 to age 35
1837: Depression and Panic in the US - inflation, speculation at age 32
1838-1839: Forced relocation of Cherokee from age 33 to age 34
1839-1842: Opium war between China and the English from age 34 to age 37
1841-1844: John Tyler president of US from age 36 to age 39
1842: Chinese cede Hong Kong to the English at age 37
1844: 1st telegraph line message, Washington to New York at age 39
1845: Texas enters the union - 28th at age 40
1845-1848: James K Polk president of US from age 40 to age 43
1845-1849: Irish Potato Famine from age 40 to age 44
1845: Florida enters the union - 27th at age 40
1846-1848: The Mexican-US War from age 41 to age 43
1846: Iowa enters the union - 29th at age 41
1848-1856: 1st gold rush in California -- Sutters Mill from age 43 to age 51
1848: NY allows women to own real estate at age 43
1848: Oregon organized as a territory at age 43
1848: Wisconsin enters the union - 30th at age 43
1849-1852: Zachary Taylor president of the US from age 44 to age 47
1849: Fizeau measures speed of light at age 44
1850: California enters the union - 31st at age 45
1850: US pop reaches 23 million at age 45
1850: Utah (included Nevada) organized as a territory at age 45
1850: World pop. est. at 1.1 billion at age 45
1850: New Mexico organized as a territory at age 45
1851: Gold rush in Australia at age 46
1852-1859: 3rd Cholera pandemic from age 47 to age 54
1853: Washington (included pt. of Idaho) organized as a territory at age 48
1853-1856: Franklin Pierce president of US from age 48 to age 51
1854-1856: Crimean War from age 49 to age 51
1854: Kansas organized as a territory at age 49
1854: Nebraska organized as a territory at age 49
1857-1860: James Buchanan president of US from age 52 to age 55
1857-1866: Transatlantic cable laid from age 52 to age 61
1857: Dred Scott decision: Blacks could not be US citizens at age 52
1858: Minnesota enters the union - 32nd at age 53
1858: India bill transfers government of India to England at age 53
1859: Darwin pub. Origin Of Species at age 54
1859: Oregon enters the union - 33rd at age 54
1859: Oil Well at age 54
1860: South Carolina Secedes from the Union at age 55
1860: Rifled barrel invented at age 55
1861: Nevada organized as a territory at age 56
1861-1865: Abraham Lincoln president of US from age 56 to age 60
1861: South Dakota organized as a territory at age 56
1861: Gold rush in New Zealand at age 56
1861-1865: Civil War from age 56 to age 60
1861: North Dakota organized as a territory at age 56
1861: Transcontinental Telegraph completed at age 56
1861: The Apache Declare War on the US at age 56
1861-1865: Confederate States of America Exist from age 56 to age 60
1861: Colorado organized as a territory at age 56
1861: Kansas enters the union - 34th at age 56
1862: US Homestead act at age 57
1863: Arizona organized as a territory at age 58
1863: West Virginia enters the union - 35th at age 58
1863-1879: 4th Cholera pandemic from age 58 to age 74
1863: Battle of Gettysburg at age 58
1863: Idaho organized as a territory at age 58
1863: Emancipation Proclamation frees southern slaves at age 58
1864: Louisiana organized as a territory at age 59
1864: Nevada enters the union - 36th at age 59
1865: Lister invents Disinfection at age 60
1865: President Lincoln assassinated at age 60
1865: Ku Klux Klan founded at age 60
1866: Walker, Mitchell 1st elected US black officials (Massachusetts) at age 61
1866-1868: Andrew Johnson president of US from age 61 to age 63
1867: Confederation of Canada at age 62
1867: Diamonds discovered in South Africa at age 62
1867: Dynamite at age 62
1867: Nebraska enters the union - 37th at age 62
1867: Alaska purchased from Russia at age 62
1868-1878: War between Cuba and Spain from age 63 to age 73
1869-1876: Ulysses S Grant president of US from age 64 to age 71
1869: Financial black friday caused by attempt to corner gold at age 64
1869: Cutty Sark built at age 64
1869: Suez canal opened at age 64
1869: Trans-continental railroad completed at age 64
1870: 1st black US senator (Hiram Revels) at age 65
1870-1871: Franco-Prussian war from age 65 to age 66
1870: US black men can vote at age 65
1871: Great Fire destroys Chicago at age 66
1873: Color Photographs at age 68
1873-1878: Depression, banks fail from age 68 to age 73
1876: Little Big Horn - Battle at age 71
1876: Colorado enters the union - 38th at age 71
1876: Telephone (Bell, Latimer) at age 71
1876: American Centennial at age 71
1877: Wax Cylinder Musical Recordings at age 72
1877-1880: Ruthorford B Hayes president of US from age 72 to age 75
1878: 1st commercial telephone exchange in US at age 73
1879: Zulu war at age 74
1879: Electric Light Bulb (Edison) at age 74
1881-1896: 5th Cholera pandemic from age 76 to age 91
1881: President Garfield assassinated (dies of med. care) at age 76
1881-1885: Chester Arthur president of US from age 76 to age 80
1881: James A Garfield president of US at age 76
1884: 1st subway at age 79
1884: Motorcycle at age 79
1885: Automobile at age 80
1885-1888: Grover Cleveland president of US from age 80 to age 83
1886: Induction Telegraph (Grandville T. Woods) at age 81
1887: X-Rays (Tesla, not Rontgen!) at age 82
1888: Great Blizzard of 1888 - 400+ deaths at age 83
1888: 70...77 rpm musical records at age 83
1889: North Dakota enters the union - 39th at age 84
1889: South Dakota enters the union - 40th at age 84
1889: Holerith invents the punch card at age 84
1889-1892: Benjamin Harrison president of US from age 84 to age 87
1889: Montana enters the union - 41st at age 84
1889: Washington enters the union - 42nd at age 84
1890: Battle of Wounded Knee at age 85
1890: Oklahoma organized as a territory at age 85
1890: Idaho enters the union - 43rd at age 85
1890: Wyoming enters the union - 44th at age 85
1891: Mormon prophesy of 'coming of lord' by 1891 unfulfilled at age 86
1893-1896: Grover Cleveland president of US from age 88 to age 91
1893: Nikola Tesla invents Radio (not Marconi!) at age 88
1893: New Zealand is 1st to grant women right to vote at age 88
1893: Movies at age 88
1893-1897: US Financial panic, depression from age 88 to age 92
1894-1895: Chinese-Japanese war (1) from age 89 to age 90
1894: Plague in Hong Kong and China - 1 million die at age 89
1896: Utah enters the union - 45th at age 91
1896: Supreme court approves separate but equal segregation at age 91
1897-1901: William McKinley president of US from age 92 to age 96
1898: Spanish American 1-year war at age 93
1899-1902: Boer war from age 94 to age 97
1899-1923: 6th Cholera pandemic from age 94 until after line end
1900: Galveston Hurricane - 8,000 killed at age 95
1900: Hawaii organized as a territory at age 95
1900: Boxer rebellion in China at age 95
1901-1910: Reign of King Edward VII (Saxe-Coburg) from age 96 until after line end
1901: Oil discovered in Texas in significant amounts at age 96
1901: First British submarine launched at age 96
1901: Commonwealth of Australia founded at age 96
1901: US President William McKinley assassinated at age 96
1901-1908: Theodore Roosevelt president of US from age 96 until after line end
1901: Max Planck formulates the Laws of Radiation at age 96
1901: Third law of thermodynamics postulated (W. H. Nernst) at age 96
1903: Nikola Tesla patents logic gates at age 98
1903: Airplane at age 98
1904: Radar at age 99
1904-1905: Russian-Japanese war from age 99 to age 100
Additional Information
No additional information on file.