1478-1834: | |
1760-1820: |  |  |  | Reign of King George III (Hanover) from before birth until age 7 |
1792-1815: |  |  |  | Napoleonic war from before birth until age 2 |
1809-1816: |  |  |  | James Madison elected president of US from before birth until age 3 |
1812-1814: |  |  |  | War of 1812 from before birth until age 1 |
1815: |  |  |  | Sumbawa volcano (Indonesia) erupts; 50,000 killed at age 2 |
1815: |  |  |  | Battle of Waterloo at age 2 |
1815: |  |  |  | French outlaw slavery in France at age 2 |
1816: |  |  |  | Photographic Negative at age 3 |
1816: | |
1816: |  |  |  | Indiana enters the union - 19th at age 3 |
1817-1825: |  |  |  | Erie canal constructed from age 4 to age 12 |
1817-1824: |  |  |  | James Monroe president of US from age 4 to age 11 |
1817-1823: |  |  |  | 1st Cholera pandemic from age 4 to age 10 |
1817: |  |  |  | Pentrich Revolution - England's last revolution at age 4 |
1817: |  |  |  | Alabama organized as a territory at age 4 |
1817: |  |  |  | Mississippi enters the union - 20th at age 4 |
1818: |  |  |  | Illinois enters the union - 21st at age 5 |
1818: |  |  |  | Savannah 1st steamship to cross the Atlantic at age 5 |
1819: |  |  |  | Alabama enters the union - 22nd at age 6 |
1819: |  |  |  | Oersted discovers electro-magnetism at age 6 |
1819: |  |  |  | Arkansas organized as a territory at age 6 |
1820: |  |  |  | Maine enters the union - 23rd at age 7 |
1820-1830: |  |  |  | Reign of King George IV (Hanover) from age 7 to age 17 |
1821: |  |  |  | US pop. reaches 9.2 million at age 8 |
1821: |  |  |  | 1st US women's college at age 8 |
1821: |  |  |  | Missouri enters the union - 24th at age 8 |
1821-1829: |  |  |  | Greek war of Independence from age 8 to age 16 |
1822: |  |  |  | Florida organized as a territory at age 9 |
1824: |  |  |  | Erie canal finished at age 11 |
1824: |  |  |  | Internal Combustion Engine at age 11 |
1824-1828: |  |  |  | John Quincy Adams president of US from age 11 to age 15 |
1826: |  |  |  | 1st railroad tunnel (England) at age 13 |
1827: |  |  |  | Ohms Law formulated at age 14 |
1827: |  |  |  | Ship's propeller (screw) at age 14 |
1827: |  |  |  | 1st Black newspaper Freedom's Journal at age 14 |
1828: |  |  |  | 1st Webster's Dictionary at age 15 |
1828: |  |  |  | 1st railroad in the US at age 15 |
1828-1836: |  |  |  | Andrew Jackson president of US from age 15 until after line end |
1829-1851: |  |  |  | 2nd Cholera pandemic from age 16 until after line end |
1829: |  |  |  | 1st US patent on a typewriter at age 16 |
1830: |  |  |  | Mormons (Latter Day Saints) founded at age 17 |
1830-1860: |  |  |  | Underground railroad leads 100,000+ slaves to freedom in US from age 17 until after line end |
1830-1837: |  |  |  | Reign of King William IV (Hanover) from age 17 until after line end |
1832: |  |  |  | Horse-drawn trolleys in New York at age 19 |
1833: | |
1833: |  |  |  | Slavery abolished in British Empire (home and colonies) at age 20 |
1834: |  |  |  | Modern computer conceived by Charles Babbage at age 21 |