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Personalized History Timeline, 1877 to 1891
Additional Information
March 3rd, 1877
No Entry
No Entry
Baptized at...
No Entry
Baptized by...
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Baptized in...
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No Entry
September 17th, 1891, aged about 14 years
Died at...
No Entry
Cause of Death
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Burial Place
No Entry
No Entry
[390_c1_sa] George Biggs 7
[390_c1] Adeline Laraway (Sutherland) Biggs 7
none known
Gen. 8
Gen. 7
Gen. 6
Gen. 5
Gen. 4
Emily Vera Biggs George Biggs No Entry No Entry No Entry No Entry No Entry No Entry No Entry No Entry No Entry No Entry No Entry No Entry No Entry No Entry Adeline Laraway (Sutherland) Biggs Bethuel Sutherland Smith S. Sutherland No Entry No Entry Jane (Bogardus) Sutherland ? Bogardus ? (?) Bogardus Emily (Blish) Sutherland Aaron Blish David Blish, (***) Zeruiah (Skinner) Blish Roxanna (Webster) Blish ? Webster ? (?) Webster
1837-1901: Reign of Queen Victoria (Hanover) from before birth until after line end
1863-1879: 4th Cholera pandemic from before birth until age 2
1868-1878: War between Cuba and Spain from before birth until age 1
1873-1878: Depression, banks fail from before birth until age 1
1877: Wax Cylinder Musical Recordings at age 0
1877-1880: Ruthorford B Hayes president of US from age 0 to age 3
1878: 1st commercial telephone exchange in US at age 1
1879: Zulu war at age 2
1879: Electric Light Bulb (Edison) at age 2
1881: President Garfield assassinated (dies of med. care) at age 4
1881: James A Garfield president of US at age 4
1881-1885: Chester Arthur president of US from age 4 to age 8
1881-1896: 5th Cholera pandemic from age 4 until after line end
1884: Motorcycle at age 7
1884: 1st subway at age 7
1885-1888: Grover Cleveland president of US from age 8 to age 11
1885: Automobile at age 8
1886: Induction Telegraph (Grandville T. Woods) at age 9
1887: X-Rays (Tesla, not Rontgen!) at age 10
1888: 70...77 rpm musical records at age 11
1888: Great Blizzard of 1888 - 400+ deaths at age 11
1889: Washington enters the union - 42nd at age 12
1889-1892: Benjamin Harrison president of US from age 12 until after line end
1889: Holerith invents the punch card at age 12
1889: South Dakota enters the union - 40th at age 12
1889: North Dakota enters the union - 39th at age 12
1889: Montana enters the union - 41st at age 12
1890: Battle of Wounded Knee at age 13
1890: Oklahoma organized as a territory at age 13
1890: Idaho enters the union - 43rd at age 13
1890: Wyoming enters the union - 44th at age 13
1891: Mormon prophesy of 'coming of lord' by 1891 unfulfilled at age 14
No additional information on file.