1231-1808: |  |  |  | Papal Inquisition from before birth until after line end |
1454-1611: |  |  |  | The Renaissance from before birth until age 91 |
1478-1834: | |
1509-1547: |  |  |  | Reign of King Henry VIII (Tudor) from before birth until age 27 |
1522: |  |  |  | Magellan circumnavigates the world at age 2 |
1540: |  |  |  | Jesuit Order Founded at age 20 |
1547-1553: |  |  |  | Reign of King Edward VI (Tudor) from age 27 to age 33 |
1553-1558: |  |  |  | Reign of Queen Mary I (Tudor) from age 33 to age 38 |
1557: |  |  |  | Portuguese settle Macao at age 37 |
1558-1603: |  |  |  | Reign of Queen Elizabeth I (Tudor) from age 38 to age 83 |
1562-1598: |  |  |  | Wars of religion in France from age 42 to age 78 |
1563: | |
1569: |  |  |  | Union of Lublin - Treaty at age 49 |
1580: |  |  |  | Flint-lock firing mechanism at age 60 |
1587: |  |  |  | Sir Walter Raligh's lost colony at Roanoke at age 67 |
1588: |  |  |  | Spanish Armada defeated by the English at age 68 |
1589: |  |  |  | Harington invents the Flush Toilet at age 69 |
1592-1593: |  |  |  | Hideyoshi invades Korea from age 72 to age 73 |
1603: |  |  |  | Galileo invents Thermometer at age 83 |
1603: |  |  |  | Heavy outbreak of plague in England at age 83 |
1603-1625: |  |  |  | Reign of King James I (Stuart) from age 83 until after line end |
1605: | |
1605: |  |  |  | Guy Fawkes attempts to blow up parliament at age 85 |
1606: |  |  |  | Virginia Company Chartered at age 86 |
1606: |  |  |  | Australia discovered by William Jansz at age 86 |
1607: |  |  |  | Jamestown Colony Established at age 87 |
1608: | |
1609: |  |  |  | Kepler's laws of planetary motion at age 89 |
1611: |  |  |  | King James Bible is published at age 91 |
1612: |  |  |  | Last (recorded) burning of heretics in England at age 92 |
1612: |  |  |  | Tobacco planted in Virginia at age 92 |
1614: |  |  |  | Dutch trading post on manhatten island at age 94 |
1615: |  |  |  | Galileo faces inquisition (1st time) at age 95 |
1618-1648: |  |  |  | 30 years war from age 98 until after line end |
1619: |  |  |  | 1st negro slaves arrive in Virginia at age 99 |
1620: |  |  |  | Scientific Method, via Sir Francis Bacon at age 100 |
1620: |  |  |  | First Submarine (Cornelius van Drebel, Dutch) at age 100 |
1620: |  |  |  | Mayflower lands at Plymouth at age 100 |
1620: |  |  |  | Sir Francis Bacon suggests heat may be movement at age 100 |