1837-1901: | | | | Reign of Queen Victoria (Hanover) from before birth until age 39 |
1857-1866: | | | | Transatlantic cable laid from before birth until age 4 |
1861-1865: | | | | Confederate States of America Exist from before birth until age 3 |
1861-1865: | | | | Civil War from before birth until age 3 |
1861-1865: | | | | Abraham Lincoln president of US from before birth until age 3 |
1862: | | | | US Homestead act at age 0 |
1863: | | | | Battle of Gettysburg at age 1 |
1863: | | | | West Virginia enters the union - 35th at age 1 |
1863: | | | | Emancipation Proclamation frees southern slaves at age 1 |
1863: | | | | Idaho organized as a territory at age 1 |
1863: | | | | Arizona organized as a territory at age 1 |
1863-1879: | | | | 4th Cholera pandemic from age 1 to age 17 |
1864: | | | | Nevada enters the union - 36th at age 2 |
1864: | | | | Louisiana organized as a territory at age 2 |
1865: | | | | Ku Klux Klan founded at age 3 |
1865: | | | | Lister invents Disinfection at age 3 |
1865: | | | | President Lincoln assassinated at age 3 |
1866-1868: | | | | Andrew Johnson president of US from age 4 to age 6 |
1866: | | | | Walker, Mitchell 1st elected US black officials (Massachusetts) at age 4 |
1867: | | | | Confederation of Canada at age 5 |
1867: | |
1867: | | | | Nebraska enters the union - 37th at age 5 |
1867: | | | | Alaska purchased from Russia at age 5 |
1867: | | | | Diamonds discovered in South Africa at age 5 |
1868-1878: | | | | War between Cuba and Spain from age 6 to age 16 |
1869-1876: | | | | Ulysses S Grant president of US from age 7 to age 14 |
1869: | | | | Cutty Sark built at age 7 |
1869: | | | | Financial black friday caused by attempt to corner gold at age 7 |
1869: | | | | Trans-continental railroad completed at age 7 |
1869: | | | | Suez canal opened at age 7 |
1870-1871: | | | | Franco-Prussian war from age 8 to age 9 |
1870: | | | | US black men can vote at age 8 |
1870: | | | | 1st black US senator (Hiram Revels) at age 8 |
1871: | | | | Great Fire destroys Chicago at age 9 |
1873: | | | | Color Photographs at age 11 |
1873-1878: | | | | Depression, banks fail from age 11 to age 16 |
1876: | | | | Little Big Horn - Battle at age 14 |
1876: | | | | Telephone (Bell, Latimer) at age 14 |
1876: | | | | American Centennial at age 14 |
1876: | | | | Colorado enters the union - 38th at age 14 |
1877-1880: | | | | Ruthorford B Hayes president of US from age 15 to age 18 |
1877: | | | | Wax Cylinder Musical Recordings at age 15 |
1878: | | | | 1st commercial telephone exchange in US at age 16 |
1879: | | | | Electric Light Bulb (Edison) at age 17 |
1879: | |
1881-1896: | | | | 5th Cholera pandemic from age 19 to age 34 |
1881-1885: | | | | Chester Arthur president of US from age 19 to age 23 |
1881: | | | | James A Garfield president of US at age 19 |
1881: | | | | President Garfield assassinated (dies of med. care) at age 19 |
1884: | |
1884: | |
1885: | |
1885-1888: | | | | Grover Cleveland president of US from age 23 to age 26 |
1886: | | | | Induction Telegraph (Grandville T. Woods) at age 24 |
1887: | | | | X-Rays (Tesla, not Rontgen!) at age 25 |
1888: | | | | Great Blizzard of 1888 - 400+ deaths at age 26 |
1888: | | | | 70...77 rpm musical records at age 26 |
1889: | | | | Holerith invents the punch card at age 27 |
1889: | | | | Washington enters the union - 42nd at age 27 |
1889: | | | | Montana enters the union - 41st at age 27 |
1889: | | | | South Dakota enters the union - 40th at age 27 |
1889: | | | | North Dakota enters the union - 39th at age 27 |
1889-1892: | | | | Benjamin Harrison president of US from age 27 to age 30 |
1890: | | | | Battle of Wounded Knee at age 28 |
1890: | | | | Oklahoma organized as a territory at age 28 |
1890: | | | | Idaho enters the union - 43rd at age 28 |
1890: | | | | Wyoming enters the union - 44th at age 28 |
1891: | | | | Mormon prophesy of 'coming of lord' by 1891 unfulfilled at age 29 |
1893-1897: | | | | US Financial panic, depression from age 31 to age 35 |
1893-1896: | | | | Grover Cleveland president of US from age 31 to age 34 |
1893: | | | | Nikola Tesla invents Radio (not Marconi!) at age 31 |
1893: | |
1893: | | | | New Zealand is 1st to grant women right to vote at age 31 |
1894-1895: | | | | Chinese-Japanese war (1) from age 32 to age 33 |
1894: | | | | Plague in Hong Kong and China - 1 million die at age 32 |
1896: | | | | Supreme court approves separate but equal segregation at age 34 |
1896: | | | | Utah enters the union - 45th at age 34 |
1897-1901: | | | | William McKinley president of US from age 35 to age 39 |
1898: | | | | Spanish American 1-year war at age 36 |
1899-1902: | | | | Boer war from age 37 to age 40 |
1899-1923: | | | | 6th Cholera pandemic from age 37 to age 61 |
1900: | | | | Galveston Hurricane - 8,000 killed at age 38 |
1900: | | | | Boxer rebellion in China at age 38 |
1900: | | | | Hawaii organized as a territory at age 38 |
1901-1908: | | | | Theodore Roosevelt president of US from age 39 to age 46 |
1901: | | | | Commonwealth of Australia founded at age 39 |
1901: | | | | US President William McKinley assassinated at age 39 |
1901: | | | | First British submarine launched at age 39 |
1901: | | | | Third law of thermodynamics postulated (W. H. Nernst) at age 39 |
1901: | | | | Max Planck formulates the Laws of Radiation at age 39 |
1901: | | | | Oil discovered in Texas in significant amounts at age 39 |
1901-1910: | | | | Reign of King Edward VII (Saxe-Coburg) from age 39 to age 48 |
1903: | |
1903: | | | | Nikola Tesla patents logic gates at age 41 |
1904: | |
1904-1905: | | | | Russian-Japanese war from age 42 to age 43 |
1907: | |
1907: | | | | Oklahoma enters the union - 46th at age 45 |
1908: | | | | Tunguska atmospheric object explosion at age 46 |
1909-1912: | | | | William Howard Taft president of US from age 47 to age 50 |
1909: | | | | North pole reached by Matthew Henson of Robert Peary's exp. at age 47 |
1909: | | | | Union of South Africa formed at age 47 |
1910: | | | | Japan annexes Korea at age 48 |
1910-1936: | | | | Reign of King George V (Windsor) from age 48 to age 74 |
1910: | |
1911: | | | | South pole reached by Roald Amundsen at age 49 |
1912: | | | | Arizona enters the union - 48th at age 50 |
1912: | | | | Alaska organized as a territory at age 50 |
1912: | | | | New Mexico enters the union - 47th at age 50 |
1912: | |
1913-1920: | | | | Woodrow Wilson president of US from age 51 to age 58 |
1914: | |
1914-1919: | | | | World War I from age 52 to age 57 |
1915: | | | | Einstein's Theory of Relativity at age 53 |
1916: | |
1916: | | | | Irish Easter Rebellion at age 54 |
1917: | |
1917: | | | | Russian revolution at age 55 |
1918-1933: | | | | Prohibition from age 56 to age 71 |
1918-1920: | | | | Flu epidemic - 25 million plus die from age 56 to age 58 |
1919: | | | | Shortwave Radio at age 57 |
1919: | | | | League of Nations instantiated at age 57 |
1920: | | | | Women receive right to vote in USA at age 58 |
1920-1929: | | | | Roaring 20's from age 58 to age 67 |
1920: | | | | Palestine established at age 58 |
1921-1924: | | | | Warren G Harding president of US from age 59 to age 62 |
1922: | | | | Insulin made available to diabetics at age 60 |
1925: | | | | Scopes trial on Evolutionary Theory at age 63 |
1925-1928: | | | | Calvin Coolidge president of US from age 63 to age 66 |
1926: | | | | Sound in Movies at age 64 |
1927: | | | | Holland Tunnel opens (New York City) at age 65 |
1927: | | | | 1st transAtlantic solo flight - Lindbergh at age 65 |
1928: | | | | Penicillin discovered by Sir Alexander Fleming at age 66 |
1928: | |
1928: | | | | Video Recordings at age 66 |
1928: | |
1929: | | | | Stock Market Crash at age 67 |
1929-1939: | | | | Great Depression from age 67 to age 77 |
1929-1932: | | | | Herbert Hoover president of US from age 67 to age 70 |
1930: | | | | Pluto Discovered at age 68 |
1931-1933: | | | | Chinese-Japanese war (2) from age 69 to age 71 |
1933: | | | | Soviet communist party purge at age 71 |
1933: | | | | Radio Astronomy at age 71 |
1933: | | | | Armstrong invents FM modulation at age 71 |
1933-1945: | | | | Franklin D Roosevelt president of US from age 71 to age 83 |
1934: | | | | Longshoreman's strike - 35,000 on strike for 83 days at age 72 |
1935-1936: | | | | Abyssinian war from age 73 to age 74 |
1935: | |
1936: | | | | Reign of King Edward VIII (Windsor) at age 74 |
1936: | |
1936-1952: | | | | Reign of King George VI (Windsor) from age 74 until after line end |
1936: | | | | Spanish Civil War at age 74 |
1937-1945: | | | | Chinese-Japanese war (3) from age 75 to age 83 |
1937: | | | | Nylon (by DuPont) at age 75 |
1938: | | | | Germany annexes Austria at age 76 |
1939-1945: | | | | World War II from age 77 to age 83 |
1939: | | | | Digital Computer at age 77 |
1939: | | | | Aircraft Jet Engine invented (by Ohain) at age 77 |
1940: | | | | 1st black general in US army at age 78 |
1940: | | | | Color Television at age 78 |
1941-1945: | | | | Manhattan Project from age 79 to age 83 |
1942: | | | | Nuclear Reactor at age 80 |
1942: | | | | Magnetic Recording Tape at age 80 |
1945: | | | | US drops the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at age 83 |
1945: | |
1945-1952: | | | | Harry S Truman president of US from age 83 until after line end |
1945: | | | | United Nations formed at age 83 |
1946-1989: | | | | The Cold War from age 84 until after line end |
1946: | |
1947: | |
1947: | | | | UN partitions Palestine to Jewish and Arab sections at age 85 |
1947: | | | | India and Pakistan emerge from ex-British India at age 85 |