Ben's Serious Issues

You've reached my page of serious issues, a collection of "text bites" that describe where I am on various issues. As time and resources allow, I'll expand more of these links to detailed expositions on the various items I present here.

Probably one of the most prominent components of my personality is that I have strong opinions. I'm not unwilling to change them, if circumstances seem to warrant it, however such events don't seem to happen very often. I'd like to think that's some form of validation of the positions I have taken, but perhaps it simply reflects a stubbornness or inability to widen comprehension on my part.

Here we go:

Abortion Fetus on day 1; garbage. At term: A human being.
Anarchy Tempting. But unworkable. Not enough smart people, and few of them have enough common sense.
Animal life Members of a punctuated continuum.
"Artificial" Intelligence I believe it's on the way.
Bible A very interesting work. I can give you a short tour; just click on the link at left.
Censorship Parents should guide their own children. The government should build roads.
Commerce Keep it simple. Get government out. Lose copyrights & patents.
Democracy Any two idiots outvote a genius.
Drugs Alcohol, Tobacco, Pot, Caffeine, Cocaine, whatever - a personal choice.
Education Should be out #1 priority. It's not.
Equality You're only as equal as you are.
Euthanasia No problem.
Evolution A good explanation, although it seems incomplete thus far.
(G/g)od Is there a G/god, or not? Presently, I think this is highly unlikely.
Government Far too big, far too slow, far too ineffective.
Healthcare My funds, or yours? Ours! A healthy nation is a prosperous nation. Besides, have a little damn compassion.
Hunting What a dismal activity; how can they call it "sport"?
Insurance As long as it's not mandatory, its just a lottery. No problem.
Intelligence Where art thou? Rarest of the rare gems.
Law An absurd collection of stupidity, by and large.
Lawyers & Judges Priests of self-fulfilling sophistry. Otherwise, see "Law".
Libertarianism A great idea which has no chance, see "Intelligence".
Nationalism As evil at its heart as religion - and equally well disguised in pomp and dogma.
Responsibility What? Where? One of my real "hot buttons".
Religion & Mysticism Pablum for broken self-images.
Rights I think about where they ought to end, where they ought to begin. Fascinating!
Science Nothing less than the key to the universe.
Sex Informed Consent and Health. Everything else is nonsense, consequences of defects in the social matrix.
Social Programs Generally, I'm not in favor. Unless you pay.
Suicide Have at it. Bye!
Taxes A good way to handle the issues of physical infrastructure, but not much else.
Teachers They can be heroes, or one of the worst evils you encounter.
Unions Needed once; no longer needed. Can you say "Extortion"?

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