Beta Address:
5.14.3 - Demodulator Mode Selection
You can do this using , , , , , ( , , ), and , or you can use the ⇑ A, ⇑ F, ⇑ S, ⇑ U, ⇑ L, ⇑ C, and ⇑ W keys, respectively, except for the parenthesized modes.
5.14.4 - Demodulator Bandwidth Control
Each demodulator mode recalls its upper and lower bandwidth settings, which you can adjust by pressing ^ ↑, ^ ↓, ^ → and ^ ←, or by using the left or right mouse button when pointing at the demodulator edge on the spectrum display.
5.14.5 - Demodulator Carrier Offsets
For , , and , the desired signal is not properly tuned at its carrier frequency. Instead, you need to be tuned off-side; for instance, if you want a 1 KHz tone, in CW, then you need to be tuned 1 KHz above or below the CW signal, depending on which mode you are in.
You can set standard carrier offsets with →Right-click , →Right-click , →Right-click and →Right-click such that direct frequency entry using ⇑ RETURN lands you right on the correct frequency.
For instance, there are CW beacons on 14,100.000 MHz. Use →Right-click and set the offset to 1000
While you're at it, set a center offset to avoid the I/Q spike many SDRs produce: →Right-click and set the center offset to 10000
Now press ⇑ RETURN, type 14100c , and bingo, you're right where you need to be, 1 KHz offset from the CW signal, and about 10 KHz away from the SDR's center frequency.
Another example, WLO RTTY on 8,473.000 KHz:
Use →Right-click and set the offset to 1400
Now press ⇑ RETURN, type 8473j , and again you're right where you need to be, 1.4 KHz offset from the RTTY signal, and about 10 KHz away from the SDR's center frequency.
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